Monday 21 January 2013

January 01: Kangaroo Island

After the apetiser that was the Barossa and the main course of Adelaide it was time for the big fat chocolate covered desert that is Kangaroo Island!  We left Adelaide at 10 and caught the 1pm Ferry to Penneshaw.  We were staying in a little cabin near the ferry so didn't have far to roll out on the other side.  After unloading we headed straight for the nearest beach at Baudin, which was pretty much deserted apart from a few stingrays.  Kangaroo island is about 150kms long by about 90kms wide and we knew it was going to take us a couple of days to explore properly so we decided to explore the area around Penneshaw today and drove down to Cape Willoughby lighthouse, complete with whale jaw-bone sculpture!  Most of the roads on the island are un-surfaced so we were pretty glad that we'd hired a decent sized car!  That evening we tried to see the fairy penguins on an organised tour around Kingscote.  Although we did see a few we can't put any photos up cos it was too dark!  Saw a couple of Kangaroos on the way home tho!

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