Thursday 6 October 2011

October 3: Long Weekend Part 3

Last day of the long weekend and the weather took a turn for the better today.  We left the house mid-morning and went for a long walk from Manly around to Shelly Beach and back along the North Steyne.  Everyone was out and about today not just because of the weather - it was also the final day of the Manly Jazz Festival.  We didn't spend very long watching the acts on the formal stages but stumbled across this fantastic group called Hot Potato who were basically a bunch of kids who were all fantastic Jazz musicians.  They wandered around Manly like pied pipers with people trooping behind them in true New Orleans style.  Daisy loved it and cried when we tried to take her home - so we followed them around for another half an hour until they'd run out of tunes....and puff......unlike Daisy who just kept dancing!

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