Monday 23 July 2012

April 14: Planking?

April 9: Telstra Tower

Monday, and before heading back to Sydney we drove up Black Mountain to the Telstra Tower and took the lift up to the top so that we could take some photos of Canberra from above.  The image shows how green and flat the city is and how lake Burley-Griffen dominates the landscape.
After the tower we took a stroll around the Botanic Gardens - just to make sure that someone slept on the way home!
We enjoyed our weekend in Canberra, buts its a bit like eating a 'cheesymite scroll'......once is enough

April 8: Easter Sunday

Canberra was built following a design competition 100years ago and is planned with a number of important visual axes linking key buildings and spaces.  We began our day at the top of looking from the war memorial back down Kings Avenue towards the Parliament building.  We spent a few hours looking around the war memorial which was amazing and pretty humbling.  We spent a lot longer at the memorial than we intended but after leaving we walked all the way down Kings Avenue, across the lake and up to the parliament before turning around to look back towards where we started.We had a great meal this evening at a cycling cafe in town.  Something of a find because most places in Canberra seem to have shut down for the weekend!

April 7: Easter in Canberra

Easter Saturday and we packed up our hire car and drove down the Hume Highway to Australia's capital city, Canberra.  Its about 3 hours drive South and inland from Sydney so we arrived early afternoon, just in time for a walk around Lake Burley-Griffen and a quick look around the National gallery
As you can see from the photos the weather was pretty good today - lets hope it stays in for the weekend!